Tuesday, July 23, 2013

"It's not about the size of your ass, it is about what you do with it that matters"


 "Want a bikini body? Then put a bikini on your body!" This statement has been floating around facebook for the past few months, since the start of the summer season. You may have even seen it on our facebook page. As warm and inclusive as that sounds, how does one make the leap from agreeing to this line to stepping on the sand wearing a two piece? With the help of Tara Caffelle, that's how.

     We met for lunch late last week and and hit it off immediately. It is hard not to, with a bubbly and warm personality and a taste for life. But it is not just charm that Caffelle brings to the table, it is plenty of education and years of coaching experience. She is Vancouver's Big Life Coach. Caffelle specializes in working with women that have body issues that are holding them back from leading a rich and rewarding life. 

     She likes to say that "it is not the size of your ass, but what you do with it that matters".  She thrives on leading women that believe "I am too fat for ________" and that let their size "take them out of the game" to a "yummy place that makes [one] swell with gratitude." She wants women to embrace the fact that there "people that love you the way you are in the size you are." 

    Tara wasn't always in love with every inch of herself. A reformed size tag cutter, Tara went through years of dieting starting off in her early tweens. She came to recognize herself at her size as no less valuable than others and her body is just her body and to be present in it. 

     She wants to share what she has learned with other women in two September workshops- with one in New Westminster and the other being in Victoria. (details below) She will focus on teaching women how to get off the "self hatred roller-coaster," how to tap into what is amazing about your body and how "losing 30 pounds in 30 days is not the way to become powerful, " in addition to a host of other game changing lessons. At the end of the day she wants her participants to truly believe that "a size 24 deserves to show up at an event looking amazing and  being told so."  

Tara Caffelle can be found at biglifecoaching.ca and to sign up for the workshop, please go here
Early Bird registration is 97$ until August 15, then the price jumps to $147.00


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